It is our personalized online content distribution service, with the entire Octaedro Editorial catalog and its constant updates, as well as the repository of the Diario de la Educación .
It will be offered to your institution through the flat rate system per student giving access to all content simultaneously online.
Contact us for more information about our services. We will be happy to provide you with all the necessary information and make our entire catalogue available to your user community.
Access to the Solaris/e-Octaedro content download platform for Universities of Octaedro Editorial:
Octaedro (Barcelona, 1992) specialises in books on education, both for teacher development and for updating students.
Editorial Octaedro, S.L.
NIF. B-60059300
c/ Bailén, 5 08010 Barcelona
Telephone 93 246 40 02