Teacher, PhD in Social Pedagogy from the UAB and Professor of Education at the Universitat Ramon Llull. He has been dean, director of the OTRI Blanquerna Welfare and Services Foundation, president of the Associació Catalana de Pedagogs de Catalunya and of the Col-legi de Pedagogs de Catalunya, member of the Consejo Superior de Evaluación del Sistema Educativo de Catalunya and of the Consejo de Expertos de Bienestar Social de la Generalitat de Catalunya. He has published numerous books and scientific articles in the press, as well as in specialised journals on educational issues. From 2007 onwards, he assumed various responsibilities in the Rectorate of the URL (vice-rectorates and deputy to the rector). He is principal investigator of the Consolidated Research Group on Pedagogy, Society and Innovation with the support of ICT (PSITIC).