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DOI: https://doi.org/10.36006/16184-06

Título del libro: Trends and Good Practices in Research and Teaching

URL del libro: https://wizardly-davinci.82-223-8-23.plesk.page/libro/trends-and-good-practices-in-research-and-teaching/


DOI del libro: https://doi.org/10.36006/16184

Learning Communities and the Development of Teaching Skills in traiNing Environments as Blended Learning. An Innovative Methodological Experience at the University of Granada (Spain)



Current training in University requires the introduction and development of lifelong learning due to the evolution society has experienced and hence higher education. The training needs can be faced up with the introduction of different innovative strategies, such as the development of blended learning through the use of ICT in a specific learning community. Even more, considering the globalization and its effects it seems indispensable to use the communicating possibilities provided by ICT, the potentialities they can bring us in different training settings. Obviously this will require the use of active methodologies to be able to share knowledge so that learning communities reach a relevant role transforming the teaching scenario in a more updated and dynamic context. Student’s participation is necessary both face-to-face and in virtual settings. No doubt, the introduction of all these issues requires deep methodological changes in the University context, being able to assume a continuous process of reflection and innovation. The aim of this paper is to analyse the most relevant contributions made by several teaching innovation projects that have been implemented at the University of Granada (Faculty of Educational Sciences) during various academic years, and whose implementation teachers and students have positively valued. The innovative action allows us to analyse the impact of how learning communities in blended learning and with different active methodologies contribute to enhance the students’ learning process. Self-didactic and collaborative ICT tools in learning communities in university courses seem to guarantee the development of a suitable lifelong learning process.


  • Inmaculada Aznar Díaz
  • Universidad de Granada
  • http://orcid.org/0000-0002-0018-1150

  • Profesora titular en el Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Escolar de la Universidad de Granada. Directora del grupo de investigación: Research, Innovation & Technology in Education, RITE (SEJ-607). Coordinadora de proyectos de innovación educativa y buenas prácticas docentes aprobados por la Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación.

Cómo citar
Cáceres Reche, M. P., Aznar Díaz, I., Soler Costa, R. (2019). Learning Communities and the Development of Teaching Skills in traiNing Environments as Blended Learning. An Innovative Methodological Experience at the University of Granada (Spain). En León-Urrutia, M., Vázquez Cano, E., Fair, N., López Meneses, E. (coords.) Trends and Good Practices in Research and Teaching. A Spanish-English Collaboration. Barcelona: Octaedro. https://doi.org/xxxxxxx-16184-06

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